About us

Dedicated to delivering a first class client service

Mayor Cuttle & Co. was established in the 1920’s and today, we continue to build on our enviable reputation for providing excellent advice and first class service to our business and personal clients alike.

Joanne Brace is the managing partner of the Chelmsford office.

Joanne has lived in Chelmsford all her life and initially trained and qualified with Mayor Cuttle before progressing to a larger firm gaining further experience. After a break to have a family she returned to Mayor Cuttle six years ago.  “Chelmsford is a great city with many diverse businesses I look forward to continuing to serve our clients in the best way possible”

John Houghton has recently retired as managing partner and now consults for the firm on a part time basis.

“It has been a pleasure and privilege to act on behalf of our clients over the last 3 decades”

Stephen Evans is our senior partner who is based in our London Office at 20 Harcourt Street W1H 4HG.

We have many clients in the local communities in both London and Chelmsford, and service businesses, small and large, across many sectors including:

  • agriculture;
  • property management companies and service charge accounts;
  • the professions;
  • the service sector;
  • the construction industry;
  • manufacturers; and
  • retailers.

As well as general accountancy, audit and tax skills, our partners also have individual specialist skills which enables us to provide clients with a first class service as and when required. With our wealth of experience we pride ourselves on delivering an unparalleled service to all clients, what ever their size or sector.

In addition to traditional auditing, accounting and tax services we also provide advice on how to improve and develop your business. Whether you need an integrated business strategy, access to corporate finance or specialist tax advice we are here to help you achieve your goals.

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If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 01245 258188. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.

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Mayor Cuttle & Co, Suite 7b Aquarium, 101 Lower Anchor Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 0AU
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Registered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry out company audit work and also trading as William Evans & Partners