Apprenticeship cash boost

The government has confirmed that employers of all sizes in England can now apply for £3,000 in extra funding to help them take on new apprentices.

The boost to the apprenticeship incentive scheme was confirmed by Chancellor Rishi Sunak in the Budget in March.

The claims portal opened on 1 June and businesses can apply for £3,000 for each new apprentice hired as a new employee from 1 April until 30 September.

The cash incentive is designed to help more employers invest in the skilled workforce they need for the future as part of the government's Plan for Jobs.

The government says the scheme builds on action already underway to protect, support and create more jobs while bringing the UK's skills and education system closer to the employer market.

The Chancellor commented:

'Young people have been hit especially hard by the crisis – which is why our Plan for Jobs, launched last year, is focused on helping them get the skills they need to get the jobs they want.

'By boosting the cash incentives for our apprenticeship scheme we're improving opportunities for young people to stay in and find work – this could not be more important in our economy's recovery.'

Find out more and apply at

Internet link: GOV.UK news

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